Phone: 0409 080 295
Suzanne Calver
Pronouns: she/her
M.Sc. Health Psychology, B.Sc. (Honours) Psychology, GRAD. Dip. Analytic Counselling
Registered: Perth, Western Australia
Suzanne is a Psychologist registered with AHPRA, and is a member of the Society of Australian Sexologists WA. She has worked as a counsellor, psychotherapist, supervisor and educator for over 20 years, with experience providing therapy and training to individuals, couples, and groups. She has previously worked in the non-government and not for profit sector in various roles including senior counsellor, counselling consultant and counselling manager.
Phone: 0411 253 165
Matt Tilley
Pronouns: he/him
Clinical Psychologist
BA (Psych & Sociology), PGrad Dip (Psych), DipComServ, GCert HlthProm, M Psych (Clinical)
Registered: Perth, Western Australia
Matt is a registered Clinical Psychologist with AHPRA who has worked as a psychotherapist and educator for over 20 years; with experience providing therapy and training to individuals, couples, and groups; and supervision to other practitioners. He has worked for non-government and government organizations, including the WA AIDS Council, the Department for Community Development, the Department for Child Protection, and also currently lectures in Sexology at Curtin University.
Jaini Shah
Pronouns: she/they
BA Psychology, Criminology, Law and Justice; MSSc Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Registered: Perth, Western Australia
Jaini is a psychotherapist and counsellor registered with the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA), and is a member of the Society of Australian Sexologists (SAS) and Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH). Jaini has been working as a counsellor, psychotherapist and educator with specialised experience in sexuality, gender diversity and anti-oppressive practice. Jaini has previously worked in the not-for-profit sectors in various roles including educator, clinical director and management/leadership.
Telephone: 0424 135 168
Kerry Manera
Pronouns: she/her
DPsych, Grad Cert(Couns. Psych), PGrad Dip(Psych), BSc(Psych)
Registered: Perth, Western Australia
Dr Kerry Manera began her psychology studies in Perth before moving to the UK, where she worked in the homelessness sector for 10 years before completing a Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology. She returned to Perth in 2020 and is a registered psychologist with AHPRA in Australia and also in the UK.
Since 2012, she has provided psychological services to individuals, couples and groups in a range of settings. These include National Health Service (NHS) GP surgeries, hospitals, and specialist health services, as well as non-government organisations and private practice. Before returning to Australia, Dr Manera worked at a large UK Gender Identity Clinic conducting assessments, individual and group therapy, and research.
Ben Bradstreet
Pronouns: he/him
MA Counselling, BA (English & History).
Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner.
Registered: Perth, Western Australia
Ben is a Psychotherapist registered with Australian Counselling Association (ACA), who has worked as a Psychotherapist, Counsellor, Educator, Case Manager and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with individuals, couples and families for over 15 years. He has worked in the not-for-profit sector in Perth, the Kimberley and South East Asia in the specialised areas of sexual health, sexuality, gender identity, addiction, family conflict and mental health.
Telephone: 0421 529 601
Email: b.bradstreet@tillvercounselling.com